I had a quick outpatient surgery on Wednesday and am finally feeling better. It's only been a day and a half, but it feels like forever and ever. The Dad has been great! He has been working from home so he can get the kids to and from school while I sleep. He has also been cooking dinner. Well, except for last night because I honestly missed being able to cook. I think it was a little too much a little too soon, but all is well. It's a good thing he had all that practice while I was in Massachusetts or he would be at a loss with the routine.
Meal catch up. We left off with the Spaghetti Tacos.
Monday was Sloppy Joes from the box and salad. Fantastic Foods brand. The kids LOVE them!! I had spent the day making soup so The Dad and I had that instead. A lentil and Auntie Knitter's Tuscan. Both were amazing.
Mmmmm lentils.
Kid 3 wanted to showcase the interior of the sandwich.
Kid 4 about to take a ginormous bite.
Kid 2 almost done, he didn't even wait for everyone to sit down. It's a rule around here ;)
Kid 1 really loves a sloppy joe. We never made them as omnis and I'm glad as who knows how they would compare.
Auntie Knitter's Tuscan soup. I added about 1/4 C of tiny wagon wheel pasta for a little extra umph.
Tuesday's meal was kind of a smorgasbord. I had a real craving for nachos. We always have a huge bag of tortilla chips on hand (organic at Costco for under $4/bag can't beat it!) and I luckily had some Teese in nacho cheese flavor. I dolloped on the Teese, some black olives, and some Boca crumbles on the tortillas. Baked it all for about 20 or minutes and voila! All the kids really liked these, as well. The Dad and Kid 1 each had a veggie burger that was pretty darn tasty, just a little mushy.
I really should have made a salad, but I had a late doctor's appointment and really didn't have time. I was totally missing my greens, though. Greeny withdrawal. :(
Tofutti Sour Cream is sooooo amazing!! Perfect sub for Breakstone's, so thick and rich!! Yum!
Wednesday, I don't have any pictures, but The Dad made spaghetti and "meatballs". We tried the Trader Joe's meatless meatballs and everyone but Kid 4 seemed to enjoy them.
Last night was the night I missed my kitchen. Bad. And I really needed veggies. Lots of veggies. So, I tried a recipe from the Kripalu cookbook that Auntie Knitter gave me. Mashed Millet with Cauliflower. It was good. It reminded me of polenta. It needed a little something, though. Maybe I'll cook it in vegetable broth next time. I topped that with sauteed sliced baby bellas, pinto beans, and garlic. Kid 1 LOVED the bellas!! WOO HOO!! I also roasted some Brussels sprouts and parsnips. Kids 1, 2, & 4 really liked the millet.
All for now. Back to our regular thumb postings and normal dinners shortly. ;)