Since this vegan journey began, I've noticed how much I can't stand the smell of fried food. It permeates my kitchen and quite frankly it's nasty. And, HELLO??? That nasty greasy mess left behind on the stove?!?!? EWWW! So, tell me this, oh veteran vegans. Do you get the same crispy texture if you bake the breaded tofu? I'm still on the fence with tofu. It can't be mushy. I seriously pressed it ALL day today. No, really. From about 10 am until I began cooking at 4:30 this afternoon. So, will baking it bring back that mush?
Kid 4 and I love the cheezy couscous. Um, yeah, nutritional yeast. Kid 1 did not like the tofu, not one bit. Kids 2 & 3 went back for thirds. I started the kids off with 2 slices, you probably can't tell, but the slices are thin. Again, the whole texture thing. Plain veggies went over great as they always do. Kid 1 didn't really care for the couscous, either, but ate it. Kids 2 & 3 thought it was okay. Overall? Check it!
Kid 1 gave a halfsies due to the tofu. Now, check this!!
Oh yeah!! Vegan blondies, babies!!! Oh how happy they make Dullsville!! Veganizing blondies aren't hard!! And, there is absolutely no difference to a real blondie. Again, not good for you, but oh so yummy!!! Got the idea from Amanda's Domestic Adventures and followed this recipe as she did. I'm going to have to start thinking outside the vegan box a little more and attempt things on my own. Obviously it CAN be done. Veganizing my very special cheesecake recipe? That's gonna be tough, but by golly, I'm gonna try.
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